Ecosystem Restoration Camps. A call to restore the garden planet earth.

My personal mission statement has been, “I co-create and tend the garden so all may benefit from its abundance, nourishment, beauty and joy.” Having recently participated in an international movement called Ecosystem Restoration Camps. I am now compelled to update my mission statement to “…I co-create, restore and tend the garden…”

Terra Nova’s work over the past 30 years is very much in line with Ecosystem Restoration Camps. As Terra Nova business partners, Jillian Steinberger and myself have represented the business at a number of Ecosystem Restoration Camps in recent months. Starting with the California Ecosystem Restoration Council meeting held March 22-24, 2019 at Paicines Ranch near Hollister, Ca.


Ecosystem Restoration Camps is a non-profit organization founded by a movement of people who wanted an action-based solution to address accelerating climate change.  The camps are a practical, hands on way to restore land degraded by humans.  Our mission is to work with local communities and build camps that transform degraded landscapes into lush, abundant, life-giving ecosystems.

After the council meeting at Paicines Ranch I then attended an Ecosystem Restoration camp held April, 27th – 28th. 2019 in Paradise, CA.


Restoring Paradise after the fire with Permaculture

California’s first ecosystem restoration camp rejuvenates school in the Camp Fire area.


David Kupfer, Ken Foster and Kat Steel

Ken at the camp fire

Jillian and I also participated in an Ecosystem Restoration camp Saturday 5/11/19 at Indian Canyon. We learned the technologies of Sudden Oak Life and worked on oak trees at Indian Canyon.

These photos show the Sudden Oak Life technologies championed by Lee Klinger. We used a wire brush to clean off some of the moss on the bark and we sprayed oyster shell and Azomite powders mixed with water all around the first 8 feet of the trunk.



Terra Nova’s supports Ecosystem Restoration Camps with our business membership and time.

Please join us!

Let us restore your ecosystem!


Membership of Ecosystem Restoration Camps

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