My personal mission statement has been, “I co-create and tend the garden so all may benefit from its abundance, nourishment, beauty and joy.” Having recently participated in an international movement…
Or so says the bumper sticker on my landscape truck. The funny thing is leaf blowers also blow, metaphorically speaking. It is a sad thing to hear the gardeners arrive…
To all our garden allies we say Mi casa es tu casa – My home is your home or to be more precise, Mi Jardin es Tu Jardin – My…
Learn about Permaculture How the design principles can inspire true environmental stewardship and urban sustainability or simply to create an amazing productive garden Dates: May 2 – May 3, 2015…
An exciting new workshop series in collaboration with Jon Young Designing a regenerative culture depends on a harmonious relationship between nature and people, in which observation and thoughtful interaction provide…
Terra Nova owner Ken Foster serves on the steering committee of Transition Santa Cruz. Using guidelines outlined in The Transition Handbook, we are reinventing Santa Cruz as a city in transition…
We are very proud of our Santa Cruz Permaculture Design Course graduates. Here is a collage of pictures from the final design project presentations. Our fearless leader Larry Santoyo with…
As part of our 2008 Permaculture Design Course, David I. Theodoropoulos taught a class based on his book: Invasion Biology: Critique of A Pseudoscience, and in doing so, made a…
We have been fascinated with green roofs since we first learned about them the mid 1990s. Terra Nova received Sunset Magazine’s WESTERN LIVING AWARD for a garden with a green…