Ken Foster, the author of this blog is a native of Santa Cruz, California. He was born in the fifties and raised by Quaker parents. In 1985 Ken was an apprentice at the U.C. Santa Cruz Farm and Garden and has a certificate in Ecological Horticulture from there. Ken also has an A.S. degree in horticulture from Cabrillo College. Ken is a landscape contractor, a certified permaculture designer and the owner of Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping since 1988.


Ken and company are known far and wide for their bicycle powered landscape maintenance service.


Ken lectures and gives power point presentations on a range of topics relating to sustainable landscaping including Fossil Free Landscaping™, sustainable design, hardscape and softscape installation and maintenance. He served on the Board of Directors of the Ecological Farming Association for ten years and currently serves on the planning committee for the Ecological Farming Conference. Ken has been a member of the Ecological Landscaping Association for twelve years and spearheaded the effort to bring E.L.A. to the west coast over the last few years. Ken lives in Santa Cruz with his chickens, cats, worms and bees at his permaculture demonstration home site.

Here is a picture of Ken’s great grandfather, on the far left. We like to say he did research and development for the Terra Nova bicycle service.

